Congratulations to our Honors Students!

Yomna, Steve, and Maitri in their wizarding robes for convocation.

Yomna, Steve, and Maitri in their wizarding robes for convocation.

Congratulations to Yomna El-Sakka and Maitri Makwana for graduating from the Microbiology & Immunology Honors Program! It has been a pleasure having you both in the KerfootLab during your honors year. We wish you all the very best for all your future endeavours!

Kate Parham, PhD

Dr. Parham trained at the University of South Australia and Centre for Cancer Biology before joining us at Western University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in 2016. Her work aims to identify novel interaction properties in the autoimmune response which can be targeted as potential therapies. She is funded by a fellowship from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.

Yodit at the 2018 endMS Summer School


Rajiv’s SPRINT project – completed!